Environmental Warning by Lord Machiventa Melchizedek.
July 2007
This is a continuation of a conversation between VRC and Lord Machiventa Melchizedek.
. . . It triggered a memory of the world and how each and every day is run by the will of the Divine. The sun, the moon and planet are all creations to be treasured, but the Earth itself travels around the sun, and with the earth billions of living organisms, some of which are called people who are in various states of awareness. She travels around the sun, this earth, and she exhibits intelligence. She lives and breathes and now rebels against those who would defile her, and yet they seemingly do not care enough to change their ways. Governments so engrossed in their own welfare and one sided approach to life that this means that a cycle begins with Mother Earth now beginning to shake those irritations from her skin, and who would blame her? But my dove, these same people are of God, they run and play, cry and laugh and live. They exalt the most noble of intentions and the lowest, and God loves them anyway.
There are so very many reasons humanity is worth saving, and that is why we try so hard, time and time again to bring about awareness of their own heritage, to lift them beyond the present trends of selfishness and greed, to exhort the noble, and with this awaken them daily to their plight should they not awaken. It’s why beloved I give you messages to place onto the website, and it’s why I try so hard to reach so many people, for if all begin to awaken and realize they are of one organism or life-force called God, then the barbaric ways will drop aside, but always free will is honoured.
If after warnings there is no change, then a process begins which we do not empower, but we support, in with the cleansing of Mother Earth. She tries so hard to give all your needs, humanities needs, and yet her repayment is to be largely ignored, and violated, and as much as we honour free will in people, we honour free will of all life forces, and that includes Mother Earth.
What is taking place is a series of cycles, of shedding, of warnings, that if ignored humanity will receive what it has created, and in fact is now creating at a remarkably destructive rate. The earth can no longer support a species which is destructive to itself and all other life forms, and by way of shedding, of climatic warnings, a scenario is set up where there will be a cleansing of the Earth. To the degree that humanity heeds this message will be the the degree of softening of the effects of climate change. And the concept that the Earth is alive and capable of sustaining herself, and in defense of herself will do just that. . . this is the concept we have been trying to get across, we are trying to aid all life. The problem being millions of innocent souls will suffer, if there is not rapid change. All this you know, but I now ask you my dove to place on your website this warning.
The Earth is about to shift up a gear so to speak, and the climate change, the environmental disasters will escalate, speed up, and if not heeded will be widespread and damaging. SO THE WARNING IS CHANGE YOUR WAYS!
It isn’t easy to see people suffering beloved, and it isn’t a happy thought that one planet could be so under threat because people see only their needs and wants, and not see themselves as the native peoples of the world do, as one people, and what affects one, affects all.
Elections are coming up, and the importance of voting in only those who take the environment as crucial should be voted in. The implications for continuing with old ways and fossil fuels are destructive. So this is my request, write this down please and place it in the website as destruction imminent if there is not change for the better.
It is so important that this understanding gets out.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek.
July 2007
July 2007