Global Reminder
Support Barrack Obama Through Times of Change.
Support Barrack Obama Through Times of Change.
Gratitude is one quality all need to energise further positive changes, gratitude for life, for freedom, and gratitude for the circumstances which bring about growth be it as some would say positive or negative. At times circumstances may seem to individuals to be trying, to be too hard and negative, but if you can hold the attitude of gratitude for all the small things in life it would draw to you more positives.
Life is difficult for some people. Some who see only negatives will relate to life in the coming months and years with nothing but fear and worry, and this beloveds will negate positives coming to you. So cut out negative thoughts as soon as they enter.
Climate change will come, so to economic and political upheaval for many parts of the world, and I say this not to announce doomsday prophecies, just to be real, to help you shift on mass into a new framework of thinking where you can automatically each and every day look, truly look to find positives and say thankyou. Speak not of negatives, but be positive, dwell not on ill fortune or ill health, but see a future of light so bright no darkness can enter. Create a life without fear simply by having the attitude of gratitude.
America you have now at the helm of your ship a wise captain, one who has achieved much in his previous existence as Abraham Lincoln, let his wisdom come through. Let him set a course through troubled waters and ride the waves of turmoil with him holding fast to his positive vision. See this man of noble heritage as here at the appropriate time to aid the world through some very, very troubled times. It’s realistic to see what is there as life, as potentials which you can choose as a nation to change. Let him guide the ship. Let ego drop aside and party politics drop now and see this boat sinking or surviving based upon how you the American people support this wise captain, and yes he will have to make hard decisions for the greater good. He will make decisions which will annoy many people because personal agendas will suffer. Good I say! Humanity has run the course of personal interest and greed far too long and the ultimate result is it is not sustainable for economies or the planet.
See a modest need to look at how you consume, spend, and want, and how this does impact upon others, inparticular this precious planet you need to survive.
Climate change is not a fallacy. Yes cycles have always repeated themselves through time, but along came an explosion of greed, and this brought about so much pressure upon this planet. It is not sustainable!
My words are meant to hit a nerve and remind all that greed, excess, and wanting for oneself at the exclusion of ones thought for the welfare of the planet or other people cannot last. Call this time the days of cleansing, a clearing of thoughts only of the self.
I have heard the expression “the American way of life is not negotiable” I would suggest that the very recent circumstances you are now inheriting are in fact are a significant sign that taking without thought for the environment and economic repercussions are what you are now experiencing, because your attitudes need to change. On the whole selfish attitudes lead to a lack, and lack is what is about to be experienced. See that this attitude, that ‘the American way of life as not being negotiable’ perhaps needs to change into; consideration for all equally, so all will sustain a positive future and for the planet.
Water is wasted, so gross is the excessive waste by many people that all will suffer. Sometimes there needs to be a sharp reminder that you are creators of your destiny, and that includes those downturns as well.
Across the globe there is a reminder that this planet is your support system and all suffer if equality is not there strongly in the thoughts of legislators, of politicians, and of the people themselves. Have an attitude of gratitude, and do not take the American way of life for granted, for when any country takes unevenly, the lack is felt elsewhere. Compassionate thoughts for the poor, the needy, and for those suffering in the times ahead are needed.
Worldwide so much positive growth has come, so much love and expression of goodness. Can you not see humanity that compassion must be extended to the environment which cannot sustain a greed and wanton expression and selfishness? Not all people have such an attitude of greed, but enough that there is little thought for the long term impact upon life on this planet.
God gave a gift of life to all of creation that was never meant for one organism, one species to deprive life from others. Sustainability it is called. Live modestly; do you have to have excessively large houses and cars all of which take excess power, energy and resources? They do not make you happier. Often those with little encumbrances are happier, for they are free. It is as told, God provides for those with faith, just as with the birds in the fields. Humanity comes to the most positive of times and yet for some the most trying, for all of their identity is placed into possessions, ‘what I can own’, ‘what I can buy?’ It’s not who you are! Often the very stripping way of excesses can be a blessing if you become centred and see that you are more than material possessions.
You are divine. God lives within you simply look within! It is as in this precious and simple lesson Jesus Christ taught, you have no need of outside temples, look within. All you need is within you.
So comes the time of greatest trials, but also greatest blessing, because this can be the making of humanity once cleared of greed and attitude of the self as being all important.
Barak Obama is a wise man, but he needs your support, so when he makes the hard decisions bare with him. Forget party politics, forget your next TV, the next and bigger car, and just see this as a gift in a way of finding yourself often lost behind this illusion of materialism.
Hard decisions will have to be made, sacrifices will be asked of all people to sustain life and move ahead. See him as a man nonetheless who cannot move mountains if the mass of humanity is pulling or pushing the other way holding on desperately to what is ‘mine’. If there is to be a fairer more equitable society, a world of peace, changes will have to come, but they are not from a wrathful God, just from action-reaction, humanity creating its own destiny.
There has never before been so much help offered to get you safely through these times. Spiritually, many dimensions aid you, the Spiritual Hierarchy and many Ascended Masters support you, those in spirit and those in body. There are now many wise souls who have chosen to return to Earth at this time for just this purpose; to aid the planetary awakening, to hearken then a new time of growth, positive growth, a time of spiritual supremacy over lower energies, but realise this planetary consciousness is awakening and sometimes awakening from the sleep of separation can be a painful time. But it doesn’t have to be, we are at you side, but call upon the master within, draw upon your inner wisdom and strength to see you through.
I am asking this woman to place this message upon the website and other messages from the masters to aid you with expansive thinking, and to offer ways of looking at trials a different way. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SIDE LOVING YOU!
Some would say ‘he offers words which are not optimistic’. Oh Beloveds, I Am the Eternal Lord of Light, I love all, but I am realistic enough to know empty platitudes will not aid you as much as truth. Truth is this is a self made wake up call. Your own souls do not wish to stay un-awakened or asleep and digging further into selfishness, and I realise there are many millions of people who are aware and care very deeply about the world they live in, but as humanity you are heading for a place upon the cross of time and space which is impactful, and will hurt many people if they are not aware of their own divine connection to God, and to nature.
Please see this as a plea from the Spiritual Hierarchy, to draw up your sleeves and get ready to pull for the greater good, for a ship divided will not sustain a forward journey into a bright and beautiful future, but one where change is inevitable.
Barak Obama needs your help, not just America, but all Nations, and to those who see this as an area of weakening of a Nation and an opportunity to move forward and through force seize the moment I will tell you, UNWISE WOULD THAT MOVE BE!
Love one another as I love you, if you see the planet you live upon as a lifeboat all need to survive peacefully then offers of help would come to any in need.
This is my message to you now, please have the attitude of gratitude, and relinquish those ways which deprive others. I would be so good if you could.