Thursday, October 16, 2008

The American Election and Economic Trials, an Open letter by Isaac Newton

The American Election and Economic Trials.
An Open Letter By Isaac Newton

Over coming months stress will wear heavily upon the shoulders of all who are connected to economic woes, and the story unfolding of materialism unravelling and dragging energies down in those whose misfortune it has been to be involved in such a rapid decline of monetary systems. But can I point out why this is now eventuating on this scale, and how you personally can achieve a sense of peace about these changes?

During the coming days the unfolding events will have many people on edge waiting for a direction within monetary systems which is obvious, but there is nothing to do but now await the actions of regulators and managers, but there is an election coming up, and one which is important to the world, and America in particular. We would advise you look at candidates with these things in mind. Do not vote along lines of party politics, but look to who is a man of noble intent, one who can heal many wounds, one who can aid the disadvantaged, and who will not sell the collective soul of America to buy a time of comfort in his role as President, but has the fortitude to stand up for higher values, and who will guide you through a very troubled time.

We see possibilities, and we wish to aid you, but you have free will which must be honoured, and we do honour your rights to choose, but make your choice a very careful one with much consideration to these points. Look at the compassion and straight talking, truth versus political dialogue to imbue faith in joint partnership. For the one who is President must have the responsibility for a world situation created in one country, but a situation which now indeed impedes the world at a very crucial time.

I am Isaac Newton, and as one of the Masters who guide humanity through this at this time I wish to urge caution. One path can be filled with false hopes and disillusionment, or one with a noble man who has the ability to see compassion and set America on a new powerful, but peaceful pathway. It is our joy to aid you, but we do advise caution. Think before you vote by habit only, or based upon party politics. Better it would be to see truth behind the “pollie” talk. Read the man, and then look into his heart, and see who cares deeply for all people regardless of colour, race and religion. See the metal of the man and vote for truth and compassion, not a pathway of control, and look to one who pledges peace and means it, not who endorses continued war and invasion and suppression of others.

We who care about the plight of humanity see one man who shines so brightly, and he has served before as president and wisely (in another lifetime) and will again if lifted to that exulted position, but this would be a poisonous chalice to take and lead a country out of such turmoil at this time, but the right man could do this. He comes prepared for the hard battle at hand. He is prepared to call the hard shots so to speak, to make the transition an easier one. But he will need the world and indeed the American people behind him. His path will indeed be difficult, for to steer his country down a different course, one not backing militarisation and war like thinking will bring resistance from those fixed on a power base of domination.

Why do we stress caution in this election, because the wrong choice could be a very costly one for the world? Look at policies, look at that person put up as candidate for vice president, and see through the glitter to the core. Truth will reveal itself, and one has honesty and a capacity to lead in the unfortunate circumstances the President is gone. Look carefully; feel the intelligence coupled with compassion, not just words, but honest openhearted love of all people.

There is great danger in wrong choices, and America has a responsibility to the rest of the world now for wrong actions and choices, which affect the whole world now.

We have advocated in past times Al Gore being the man for the job, but it was his free will choice to not stand, but there is one up to the challenge, a man of noble heritage, and I speak of soul heritage. Speaking openly and without pretence he is a man of all people, all colours, and all races.

Let this be an open letter to all who care to not let the course of history be the wrong one. Guidance comes to aid you through the troubled times, but ultimately it is up to you, but count your vote as vital, and see that the wrong choice could be one which leads down a very rocky road. We give you words now to aid you, and to see making the right choice can ease the economic pathway, but it is your choice. See this as a point where all are asked to not fall into a pattern, but to draw America and the world up at a very crucial time.

We do ask that you speak to others and with discussion work out for yourselves who will do the better job, one who would just follow old pathways which have led to impoverishment of a Nation, or one of new thought patterns of openness and generosity of spirit.

This is your choice.

I will not give you a name; it is for you with an open heart to choose, not a heart closed by fear, just with love and acceptance of all circumstances as opportunities for positive growth. Many people are now questioning the value of their lives now economic problems have arrived, but can I say to you this can be the shaping of America into a greater nation. It is an opportunity set before you. Let love show you the way.


Isaac Newton.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Guidance through World Economic Crisis.

Sept-Oct 2008 The World Economic Crisis.

Willingly do I come today to give words pronounced by my Father, warranted are these words for there is a need for understanding of these times. For some time aspects of humanity have been dragging down frequencies and now is the time to speak of love, yes, but also truth not sandwiched between platitudes, but strengthened with resolve.

Hearten then my children, lift your hearts and lessen not interest in your own understanding of the situation, but seek truth as a remedy for the ills which limit the human condition. Conditions weaken now for some and too easily despair could set in only if materialism is all that is seen, but on the evolutionary level human growth is lifting and awakening of the spirit of humanity has been great. Never before have you evolved so quickly, awakening to that forward growth and shifting on mass towards planetary and interplanetary alignment trends towards the year 2012.

You may be one of those who loose heart now faced with economic collapse of economies. Take heart, centre yourself in the knowledge you will survive this, see yourself now as safely embraced in love and protection, and flow with these changes; sadly changes manufactured by those with no scruples.

What I wish to speak about now is growth past limitation, limitation placed by those who have a plan to endorse a personal agenda of a One World Order. Suffice it to say that egos are out of control in these men and women, but mostly men, who obtain knowledge and propagate isolation and secrecy to project their plans for world supremacy with one goal in mind, to limit the human capacity for freedom of thought and speech.

Long has it been a concern to us that those limiters of human potential gather in silence and secrecy planning globalisation and mechanism of monetary systems with which to manipulate the population so no opposition comes to reformation of systems. Long has it been planned that a sophisticated group of elite men behind the scenes manipulate public opinion, politics and isolationist thinking to bring a crippling of countries and limitation of resplendent individualism. Some known only to a few have now ultimate power in sight; love of power is their source, and devoid of higher expectations for humanity they ride the tide of economic woes to embellish their position.

Never before have so few needed so much, and with regard to current trends we see a new form of election power coming through based upon fear. But fear is a denial of love and will not heal the current situation. Love will ease the way and a return to nobility of spirit and truth.

We of the Great White Brotherhood do care very deeply for humanity and the waste of human potential, dreams shattered, and at times lives brought into despair, but if you can see through these tough times and know if you hold to love and share with others all can be eased. So few rule economies and manipulated are these men and women still by a greater woe, that of ego, greed and denial of truth.

Truth will set you free, but see this truth coming as a wave of energy to cleanse and prohibit the damage done by these select few.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, but if you can see your own path as noble and hold an honest space in your treatment of others, if compassion flows on from one to another, you can aid each other through these troubled times. Compassion and honesty in your treatment of others will help, and kindness flows on. Send whatever you can spare to those in need, and if you are in a position to ease the plight of those suffering see that this flow of love will halt the decline of energies.

It is through greed, envy, power abuse that this comes. Never again will America be governed in the same way by economic rationalism, for the only way as a nation to survive and thrive is to not close down love. I speak in terms of centuries now, materialism has been building in importance. A nation which spends more on war and support of the military and fear-based products, is no longer a world leader of noble intent, but now ruled by lesser desires. Look at where fear generated has limited your nation and other nations. Nobility as a nation comes from serving the greater good, all as one, not one superior nation - for such a premise may bring about a significant fall. Ego of all nations, all peoples are being addressed now.

There is so much love being generated, so much growth spiritually, but esoteric knowledge is used and abused to capture the market. Board members sit and discuss symbolism and how subliminal symbols can capture attention and money, and then dictate to a population who has become used to being lulled into a deep sleep. This is a wakeup call produced by this ego driven power base and it is time for compassionate love to stop the decline.

We can only advise, we watch and aid where we can, but humanity is baring the cost of abuse of the planet, materialism and separation from each other. Do you see if you love each other as oneself you will not take unfairly, unjustly to reward oneself at the expense of others, for the end result is all suffer a decline of love as the heart shuts down and love is closed out of your thinking? Love will aid you, and to have faith in your fellow human beings, but can I as Machiventa Melchizedek warn you to limit the greed of those individuals who rule by way of economic control over countries and through the military machine, which does empower many individuals and keeps the world financially encumbered. Better it would be to reveal to each other compassionate generosity.

Any misuse of esoteric knowledge to enslave humanity will back fire and will not work for long.

It is time to restructure economies and systems so that those who are high flyers, those who prey upon economic markets and who do not produce goods are not rewarded for this manipulation. . . Greed does not serve the greater good.

We see tough times coming for many people, and some will feel it is all too much, but take strength from the thought there is a cleansing taking place where socio-economic systems as well as all aspects of societies are changing. Ethics and nobility of thought are needed, and energies will shift on mass, all of you into a new vibration. Never before have you shifted, awakened to this oneness energy so quickly and now all are entering times of change, but make it a painless change by sharing, caring and being thy brother’s keeper, for this is what the oneness energy is all about, a convergence of consciousness to know all are of one essence.

Love one another through these times and remember how you treat others is noted. You are loved, pay it forward, give this onto others, aid them through their pain and in turn yours will be lessened.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek.

Guidance through Economic and Climate Upheaval.

Guidance through Economic and Climatic Upheaval. - Leonardo da Vinci

Whenever change comes so do difficulties for some people to understand the implications of such change upon daily lives, and given that we have a higher vantage point we would like to aid with observations to guide you through these changes/troubled times.

Climate changes will precipitate unfortunate loss and periods of gross misfortune for many people, yet the outcome is a positive one through these years preceding 2012, the final years of transformation. You will experience expansion of comprehension and consciousness. The great divide within humanity then widens also for some not choosing the light of understanding and compassion for other human beings may need to hold desperately onto fear . . . fear the limiter of human potential drives a wedge into the heart of compassionate needs to improve conditions of all nations. But there is a new possibility through expansion of energies, a higher dimensional shift far beyond the understanding of many people.Changes can be positive.

I am Leonardo Da Vinci and I through this vessel do give my words along with Isaac Newton, Sandro Botticelli in the coming months. Necessarily we give you what is needed, and where change is needed we also shift along with energetic needs to promote new growth.

Dimensional shifts have taken place, great in their implications, economic collapse of monetary systems all noted as negative, but to restructure the way resources are supplied to see an equalizing would not necessarily be a negative trend, only when fear, greed and a tendency to abuse power is brought into the human condition do conditions such as these come about.

Many people will identify with these words, for millions of people suffer now from the abuse of power and greed. Restructuring a financial system takes wisdom and knowledge of energy so to restructure using the same format will not work. There has been an imbalance of materialism which holds humanity now in its clutches is the problem, too many with power over other people’s money, many who do not actively work to produce, but rather draw off the lifeblood of individual hard working people.

Restructuring calls for a new way, a more equal way of distributing goods so that energy is given and rewarded by equal energy.There would be no high flyers in this system. No singular individuals being rewarded for holding a monopoly on monetary systems, just fair energy or money received for honest efforts, and this would make some people indignant, for so used to manipulating energies are they to promote self interest.

This is not so negative as some would think if beyond the initial impact positive changes could be seen and a new system, a fairer system be implemented. Gross abuse of the stock exchange system has taken place by those individuals who do not have compassion for those suffering, but the end result of change, even so called cataclysmic changes is some positive restructuring can come if all can see what went wrong with the previous system.

Discussion aids the expansion of consciousness and within the next year we will be aiding you humanity through issues we feel need addressing.

You have the main problem now before you, economic upheaval, but is it? or is this also a by product of miss use of power on many industrial and economic levels, be it misappropriation of money via shifting emphasis to goods and manufacture of articles which harm the environment? Environmental vandalism is also in our view of great importance.

You have the ability to change your consumption methods to stop the greed for money and resources, and in turn aid the planet; you as humanity can pull up the bolting horse of consumption, and love each other and the planet.

Our concern is that now economic woes have grabbed all attention, environmental concerns will be placed on hold, and it cannot be that way. We are concerned that countries of which America nears the head of the list (of gross environmental consumers) does not consider the gross expenditure of energy and waste which is issued in the pursuit of materialistic aims. This we feel needs attention, and that a by product of this restructuring will be a need for equality of all nations so all have equal share of resources, foods, goods, and all take equal responsibility for their global footprint.

Perhaps the unfortunate collapse of the American economy may have a positive side if the abuse of the environment is eased. Bigger is not better! Conservative use of materials and the earth and her riches are at stake, but more so the very survival of the species . . . for greed to continue is not the answer.

Now through this difficult time each of you can be more compassionate to the planet also. Environmental changes will come as surely as I am Leonardo, and a new way of thinking must come about. Out of pain can come great growth and positive change.

Never before have you had such loving energy to aid you in your transformation of consciousness. Now the ethics train can roll on, and inequalities can be removed by judicial use of laws drawn from a consciousness of human compassion, not from party politics and empowering those with vested interests in political gain. We wish to aid humanity during these times, and my words are to remind you to reach out through positive discussion settle down fear based movements, see positive potentials to aid the greater good, but in all of this love one another as yourself, then you cannot take unfairly, for surely it will come back such tendencies to greed.

We bless you, and ask you to see ways of redistributing goods and food and minimise others pain. Many injustices will unfortunately take place for humanity has free will, and one of the side effects of this is some have not awakened to this fact that as you love others as yourself you will improve this situation and slow down this downward spiral.

My words are those of one concerned for the misuse of power and abuse of the environment, and I do have great compassion for all life. Learn from this that fear will never aid a full powerful life, knowledge does, compassion does, and love does.


Leonardo da Vinci