Thursday, August 9, 2007

Earth Changes

dragonflySite AdminJoined: 01 Nov 2006Posts: 32
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:21 am Post subject: Earth Changes

We live in a world where changes are coming thick and fast, speeding up environmentally and energetically, and are major challengers to our comfort zones and safety. How can you help yourself and others, and contribute positive energy to aid humanity in lifting the mass consciousness past fear based thinking?

wingsforumadminJoined: 18 Oct 2006Posts: 13
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:29 am Post subject:

Some time ago Lord Machiventa Melchizedek came to me and explained a part of my destiny was in service to humanity. He guided me, gave me visions of the potential future, ( one which can be changed), and he showed me, we, each one of us can influence the world we live in. The power one is a mighty thing. Look at Ghandi, Nelson Mandella, Martin Luther King Jn, Sister Theresa, they touched the lives and hearts of many millions of people. Look at those modern day movers and shakers, such as Al Gore, David Susuki, Bob Geldof, and Bono. There have been so many noble, mighty souls who have helped shape our future direction.

There have also been those who misused power like Hitler, but by and large the noble will always overpower the ignoble. Love is the key. But it isn't a powerless love, or always passive, change requires action, and we all have our part to play. Its our life and world, and we need to be active and aware about every aspect of our world, love and express joy everyday, but also speak out to help shape a new reality, if the one we are experiencing isn't all is can be. It may take time, but if enough of us through love and holding a better vision of the world pour enough energy into a dream, we can and will create a new mass consciousness. This will not only ease the wars and hatred the world is experiencing, but increase our chance of survival as the human race.

Part of this raising of mass consciousness also relates to the environment and having a sense of responsibility for our every thought, word, and deed. Living our lives as an example to other people of how to care for the environment and each other. And the power of one cannot be overlooked!

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