Thursday, August 9, 2007

What is Truth

wingsforumadminJoined: 18 Oct 2006Posts: 13
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:05 am Post subject: What is Truth?

The famous words of Pontius Pilate! But in two thousand years we still have not reached an answer that all can agree upon? But is that all about to change? Never before has science intersected so neatly wth spirituality! Does this mean that we will actually be able to finally understand Truth?

MB on Edge said on Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:19 am

wow, what a question! And probably one that could be debated for another 2000 years! Maybe truth is a personal thing. What is true to one person may not be true for another. But what it is?? Could it be your conscience? Your gut instinct? Or just the result of a past lesson learned? Could it be deeper than that... maybe its when you discover your soul purpose and follow it?? Could it be deeper still and the connection to God/Universal Being/All That Is? That moment when you see who you are and that everyone on this planet are ONE. And that what you do to one other person affects the entire planet, Mother Earth included. Ha ha ha just a few ideas tossed around, got serious there, didn't I ! All in Love! _________________Peace be with you

Coradcor said on Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:43 am Post subject: Universal Truth

Dear MB on Edge I agree! I think there are personal truths and then there is Universal Truth. I read a book once on Mysticism and in it the author said that the closer we are to God in our deepest experience, the more our Truth begins to intersect, regardless of what religion we may be a part of. It is only people who are separated from God in their hearts, who get caught up in the endless differences in 'truth' in religion.

Mystics for centuries, at the end of the day, have all been saying the same thing! With different words, but the same meaning. And it makes no difference what religion we are a part of. In other words, if we were to put a bunch (is that the collective noun?)of mystics from different religions in the same room, they would all come out nodding in agreement! But if we were to put a bunch of 'lawmakers' in the same room, they would most likely come out wanting to go to war with eachother! Jesus had the same problem in his lifetime: he kept coming up against the 'lawmakers' who he saw as taking away the keys to knowledge, not protecting it!

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