MB on EdgeJoined: 29 Oct 2006Posts: 17
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:07 am Post subject: Our Environment
What is happening with our world? Are the wild weather patterns our fault? Does Mother Earth tell us she is not happy with her treatment? Is is time for us all to take responsibility for our actions instead of blaming politicians or big corporations? What could you personally do to help give this planet, our home, back its natural balance? Peace be with you
dragonflySite AdminJoined: 01 Nov 2006Posts: 32
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:32 am Post subject:
In Defense Of Mother Earth. Thank you for this topic, one current and urgent for all of humanity. It is my opinion that not only should we take responsibility immediatley for our own personal share of inconsiderate abuse of the environment, but it is also by implication our fault as I see it, if by our complacancy we also allow politicians to decree a dark future for our children, and children's children, and all life on earth.
We are all responsible for global warming, but we can change this for the better. We are powerful beings when united for a cause. I am annoyed, and at times embarrased to be an Australian, when our political representives lack insight, not farsighted enough in their vision to see decisions, hard ones, need to be made yesterday to save the planet! What we need in our policy makers are powerful, wise, politicians, who see beyond economic rationalism as the only governing force. Not to cling onto fossil fuel or uranium as the only alternatives, but see beyond, and choose clean green alternatives no matter what the initial cost. Perhaps the latest statistics on GLOBAL WARMING IS A REMINDER TO US ALL what is at stake, and that personal agendas should be overlooked, such as votes at the next election, in favour of a compassionate all embracing stance on the environment. Far sighted decisions need to be made now, and upheld for the good of the planet.
I am personally sorry Al Gore can't represent us in Australia, his far sightedness, wisdom and courage has to date been sadly lacking in Australian Politics in my opinion. There are men and women of great integrity who are farsighted in Australian politics, but they are not in positions now to make immediate changes, and this saddens me.
What the world needs in my eyes, are leaders of the calibre of Al Gore, who put all they have into their truth, no matter what the personal cost. I am sure there are, just needing public support to come to the fore. It just might be the public is not only looking, but desperate for just such potential leaders to show themselves, possibly then I would feel more optimistic for our planet. We HAVE the power to change the world for the better. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes and see the blessings we have, but take for granted, to see the threats and be motivated to move as one in Mother Earths defense.
coradcorJoined: 29 Oct 2006Posts: 36
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:28 pm Post subject: Is the current rain tears from heaven?
I went out west recently and witnessed a fatal accident with a young girl in her early twenties dying. It happened directly behind our vehicle. It was strange. There were many rescue workers there that had been obviously trained to make priorities..i.e. the living first and the ones that are without hope of living have less of a priority. Its practical. But my friend and i strangely enough were drawn straight to the girl and felt compelled to help her, to bless her, to pray for her. My friend held her head as she died. Later on i received a text message from another friend who always psychically seems to be aware of what is happening... and she told me that a great wave of compassion had suddenly hit the world from God. And it was making her feel like crying. She was not aware at this stage of the accident. It was interesting because at the crash site i kept feeling all these waves of compassion (for her, for her mother, for her family) which also made me cry. And then it began raining not long after!! Out West where there is a drought there has hardly been any rain for a long time. And the rain has spread out over the state and continued all the way home the next day. I really felt like the rain was the 'tears of compassion' from God. It felt very clear. Does our state of mind effect the weather as much as governments? If we were to be overwhelmed by compassion for either our fellow man, the earth itself, or one single person who is in pain, would this break the drought? Blessings
MichaelJoined: 30 Nov 2006Posts: 14Location: Grafton
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:08 am Post subject:
The Biosphere of Planet Earth, otherwise known as Gaia acts as a superorganism which used negative and sometimes positive feedback loops to maintain conditions suitable for life to persist on the planet. The control mechanisms have detected "a major disturbance in the force" created by humans and are now moving to correct this disturbance.
We - the human race are about to "corrected" in a big way, for our actions are making it difficult for just about every other life form on the planet to survive. Gaia - Mother Nature (karma) or whatever name you wish to use for the process has a number of tools to correct the disturbance we are creating. 1. Using feedback loops, the climate changes we make will bring about changes in our ability to feed ourselves - we will die in large numbers and restore balance to the system. Any organism which breeds beyond the carrying capacity of its environment pays the penalty in a population crash.
We have been able to temporarily cheat this outcome to date by use of fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, and massive inputs of energy. However we are rapidly running out of aces up our sleeves for this one. And because of the cheating, the population has had time to grow much larger, and the correction will be proportionate. 2. The disturbed environment we have produced will create conditions suitable for those vectors which will act to reduce our numbers eg. mosquitos (malaria, ross river virus, nile river virus, murray valley encephalitis, etc) rapid development of new or returned diseases and miroorganism (aids, turberculosis, plague, pox, etc, etc). 3. Competition for ever dwindling resources due to human overpopulation will lead to wars - result reduction in population of the disturbing force. 4. Mass destruction of the environment and large scale extinction of species will remove most of our support system which keeps us alive and healthy (physically, mentally and spiritually) - end result population control and removal/reduction of disturbing force, restoring balance (in geological not human time scales). Soils take thousands of years to develop, if we repent of their destruction too late, bad luck human race - no food.
Therefore to use biblical terms, we are about to reap what we have sown. In time (large amounts of time), balance will be restored to the earth. New species will have evolved to fill the niches created by the destruction caused by humans, but we - the human race will not be around to see the new earth that restores itself to health in 10 or 20 million years. Mother Earth, or Gaia, or whatever consciousness the Planet has, will regard us as a failed experiment, not to be repeated.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
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