Thursday, August 9, 2007

What is Your Favourite Book?

MB on EdgeJoined: 29 Oct 2006Posts: 17
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:09 am Post subject: What is your favourite book?

What is the book you would like the world to read? Which one struck a chord in your heart? Did it change your life? Your thinking?_________________Peace be with you

FruitloopJoined: 31 Oct 2006Posts: 3
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:18 am Post subject:

Hmmm, There are many books that I have read that have struck a chord, that I would like the world to read. Even those that I have read, and have not resonated with me, or ring true, actually still bring me closer to knowing and understanding my own truths, beliefs and knowings. All have been valuable! Instead I have chosen to list two books here, that I read my self years before, but they seem to be making a resurgence, judging from the different people who are asking me if I have read them latley. 1) The Celestine Prophecy. I read this book perhaps 10 or more years ago. One of the things I liked about it was that it was written in a story format. Yet was able to prompt inner movement from within.

I have over the years spoken to many people who have read the book and I am amazed at the varied responses and emotions that this book has provoked. I have found that after reading this book most of these people have then continued their own journey or quest (similar to the character in the book) in broadeneing their views, beliefs ect. Can be nothing but good for the mass consciousness! 2) Conversations With God. This is a book that has sat on my shelf for a while. My Younger brother who is living with me, picked it up and started reading it. Almost every phone call to his friends now includes a recommendation to read this book. I have known these boys a while and the title alone I would have thought would have been enough to make them shut off! Yet any who have purcheased the book are now in back and forward phone calls to my brother with things like " What did you think about this part?" "Wow, what about where he says in chapter 6......" or "I can't believe it, this book has changed my life!!"etc. From what I can see some people seem to be able to relate to this better than most.I am not quite sure what that reason is but, hey.... anything that makes a positive connection on any level has got to be good.

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