Thursday, August 9, 2007
Man was made in the image of God.
Post subject: Man was made in the image of God?
If we are made in the image of God what does that really mean? What are its implication?
dragonflySite AdminJoined: 01 Nov 2006Posts: 32
Posted: 19 Mar 2007 03:06 am Post subject: God
Many people have a view of God as a force to be feared, an image of an old man, one of retribution, who watches us and waits for us to sin. The God I know is so very different to that image. My Father/ Mother God is the essence of love, a love so deeply compassionate he/she will warmly watch us in all our fallibility when we slip and fall, not anticipating or expecting anything of us but we evolve, and work our way through this life and come back to the understanding we are loved, loved with such respect for our decisions and choices and the light which we are. All of our free will decisions are honoured, even those decisions and actions which later bring such unbelievable pain and we call mistakes. We are granted a great gift as humanity, we are granted love and respect for where we are at whatever level of evolution, at every turn, every step of our journey we ARE supported. I hear people also say how could God do this to me, or allow this to happen? It is because God sees us in all our glory that we are honoured as beings of free will, using our free will to destroy or to beautify. It is the intensity of such love which feeds our needs, and I know some will say ?it?s easy for you to say, you feel this divine connection, but we do not? My comment to this would be we are co -creators, we place barriers there. We stop the ecstasy of loving connection, which is available to every soul, not just a few special people. We are all special, all loved and divinely inspired if open to it. We are granted spirituous, the divine breath of inspiration if our hearts are open to such energies and thoughts. We humanity place the barriers there to this guidance coming through. In future more and more are we asked to connect to God personally, to make a personal connection, to speak to God and accept and expect a reply, possibly not in a big voice booming from the heavens, but in the stillness, the quiet moments. In those times of trial it will be more important than ever to learn to listen to this divine connection, and not seek answers from outside of ourselves. The dramatic times of change we are heading into now require that we fine tune our intuition, to be able to listen to those promptings, warnings and inspirations from our divine connection, and this takes the form of thoughts, positive thoughts which lift us up, but also keep us safe. Never before have had we needed to know our God more in a way which is unique to us. We have no need of a priest, an in between, someone to do our asking for us. My Father/ Mother and yours, asks only that we love one another, and look out for those who need love. Love is the core essence of God, a force, a vibration, a love of such high resonance and vibrationary frequency, joy is part and parcel of this energy, joy and laughter! Only we separate ourselves from God. He/She doesn?t punish us for mistakes, which are only lessons in growth and self tests upon our common journey home. My Father/ Mother God wants only for us to evolve and see not separateness, but inclusiveness, sharing, and no need for taking power from others, for power is fully available freely from God just by being, just by loving ourselves and others enough to see compassion for all we meet, for it in compassion we will find God. God does not find joy in tormenting souls; He/She doesn?t punish innocent children and those who suffer in their human journey. We are embraced constantly, and our own guides who do have our best interest at heart try to communicate to with us through our inner knowing. For those who have been taught there is no such thing as karma, life can be more difficult, because they are left with a feeling of powerlessness, that they are a victim of life, or a cruel God. No this journey is of our own making, and more and more in the years to come we will find joy is in loving and sharing with others. . Those millions who will be dispossessed and displaced by climatic conditions, those who will see events and plunge into despair, but if we see we are co-creators, and what befalls the earth is of our own making we can change the potential future, by connecting once again to love. There in is our strength; our loving protection from God will ease our way. The visions I have been given some time ago by Spirit and asked to not reveal them for the time being are enough to put fear into some people, if they see themselves as victims and are unable to flow along with the changes and have faith and knowledge we personally have created all that comes to us. My God watches over me as I make so called mistakes of judgment, I feel His/Her love constantly, even in the seemingly bad times, as well as the good, and my love of God is total. I like so many people now am trying to forget religious and societal conditioning which teaches us God is up there, distant and in judgment, instead I now say daily, how blessed I am to live in a world at a time of such great change. Please my Father help me to find my way and make life easier for others who suffer? _________________Bright Blessings
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