Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:29 am Post subject: What is the Sacred Feminine?
A discussion of the meaning of the Sacred Feminine is not necessarily a discussion about women! Nor is it just a discussion about just one woman!(i.e. Mary Magdalene). The Da Vinci Code propelled the idea forward that the Sacred Feminine is one person, Mary Magdalene and her bloodline. And although I would love to discover that Jesus was married and had children, I feel that the Sacred Feminine has much wider implications and is an Energy that is within all people, female and male, regardless of race or religion. It is an Energy that is also within all animals, plants and within the earth itself. It infuses everything and everybody.
coradcor said on Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:56 pm
Mystics through out the centuries have had their own word to describe this essential inner Force: Wisdom, Chokmah, Shekinah (Judaism) Holy Spirit, Logos (Christianity), Te (Taosim), Shakti, Prthivi, Prakrti (Indian), Nien/nen (Zen Buddhists)....and so it goes on.....It is the Feminine aspect of God, the aspect that is within everything and everybody, regardless of religion. Once we begin to become conscious of this Energy, it will change everything! Afterall, you cannot hurt, go to war against, murder, rape, destroy that which you see (and really feel and understand) as Holy. We can only destroy that which we see as being devoid of this Essence. To awaken this within is to find the Holy Grail.
MB on Edge said on Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:30 am
Today I saw the short video put together (and dedicated to Carl Sagan) from the Hubble deep field picture. I was blown away to say the least! As you watch the flight through space to what was seen on the edge of the universe, I was so full of anticipation... then, there it is. Over 10,000 galaxies from this one small area of our sky! It was like looking into the face of God.
The Feminine side of God that is so full of possibilities, promise and hidden wonders. Hidden, like knowledge and wisdom, hidden, like females through the ages. Hidden, like the modern women of some countries and hidden like the Holy Spirit is when we are so caught up in the material world that we forget to stop and smell the roses (and meditate!). It is so easy to hide yourself in this world. To deny that strength within and the intuition, to let someone else do it, for females to act useless, after all, thats what is expected. Its time to stand up, to stop denying the gut instinct and follow our inner guide. Not just women, men have gut instinct too!!! Vive la Feminine! Peace be with you
dragonfly said on Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:10 am
On hearing the words sacred feminine, the temptation might be for people to think that this relates only to women, and therefore men may shy away from entering conversations on this subject. But can I say as an explanation, that many men need to acknowledge their feminine side, and the subject, for it impacts upon them as well as any imbalance within planetary energies. If one looks at this as purely energy, and all life is energy, then all life depends upon the balance established when energies are in harmony: a balance in polarities. This not only relates to individuals, but the planet and universe at large. All energy needs the polarities to be balanced.
Let us take for example the human body. In strictly energetic terms, it is generally accepted that the right side of the body in both genders is male, + positive current, while the left side of the body is feminine, - negative current, to put this in electrical terms. So if energies of the whole planet are out of wack so to speak, unbalanced, because of the dominance of male energy from centuries of a heavily patriarchal societies and cultures, all can suffer from some form of imbalance, as is evidenced now in aggressive dominance of cultural and religious beliefs. This is being corrected by the Spiritual Hierarchy now as a raising of planetary energies, and to simply put it, pull humanity back into balance, and the subject of sacred feminine is just as important to men, as it is to females. For any imbalance anywhere effects the whole and the precious planet we call home.
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