Thursday, August 9, 2007

Wings Inc :: View topic - What were Christ's original teachings?

Posted: 26 Oct 2006 05:32 am Post subject: What were Christ's original teachings?

Do we truly understand what he taught? Does it even matter? How would Jesus feel about the direction of the Christian Church today? Is Love the answer and does that describe the current Church?

MB on Edge MBonEDGE said...
think it matters what Jesus taught. I also think his lessons will become clear as things change. With more freedom to question, discuss and even disagree! there will be ideas brought forward to make us think about how Jesus' teachings have been interpreted through the centuries. Hopefully that will lead to exchanging and even updating our own personal thoughts which most find hard to express when worried someone will either disagree or condem us for maybe having a new idea. As for what Jesus would feel about todays churches, well i'm sure he would see the good it can achieve and how it is the bedrock of some peoples lives. But also, it can be destructive and narrow minded. Sometimes I wonder if the leaders think about Love or just the power to be gained by having blind followers who never question their rules... rules that can change when it suits. All that said, I hope things keep changing as they are and even speed up a little more! Bring on the Goddess! all for the better!_________________Peace be with you
10 August 2007 22:21
coradcor22 said...
Thank you mb on edge for your heart felt words..... i get angry sometimes when i see what the church as done to our world...but good to see that it is not all bad....good to be reminded..thankyou
10 August 2007 22:21
MBonEDGE said...
Yes, I get a little agro over what the churches have brought about, but I prefer to look at the positives, well, try to! It doesnt always happen... Its a shame that people get caught up in the heat of the moment and use religion as their "excuse" to hurt and kill others. If they could really see the bigger picture and what they are doing to themselves through their actions, maybe they would have a change of heart. If you see everyone as ONE and know actions have a ripple effect through the entire world and you do those actions ultimately to yourself! If you saw everyone as your brothers, or better still, your best friends, theres no way you would raise your hand to strike another. If you saw everyone as your son or daughter, the same applies. Maybe this is the view needed in the world? The feminine, the GODDESS!!_________________Peace be with you
10 August 2007 22:22
coradcor22 said...
Beneath the edifice of thousands of years of Christian exegesis, interpretation, the endless layers placed over the original experience, forever obscuring the view with other peoples opinions, fears, power agenda's, lies the life of a man who truly walked this earth and taught us that Love is the Answer! He was a man who was so at one with God, that he experienced a sense of relationship with Him, calling Him Father, Abba, in a way that was incredibly shocking back then, as it still is today for many people! For to say that God is 'our Father.." is to imply, of course, that we are his sons and daughters. Imagine announcing to someone now, "I am the son of God!" or "I am the daughter of God." Many people have been attacked for saying just such a thing (as Jesus was in his lifetime), and yet he himself said... John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, i said, ye are Gods" Was Jesus God? Of course he was, because we all are! The only difference lies in whether we are experientially aware of it not! And the way to achieve this awareness? Through Love! Love of God and Love for our fellow human beings. Love is the key! And how do we experience Love? Through our intimate relationship with God, because God IS Love! How can we be Love and give Love without being connected to it? That would be like trying to water the garden but without turning the tap on! We can try as hard as we like to give water (Love), but without being connected to the water supply (God), it is impossible, no matter how good our intentions are! He taught us where to go to connect with this Love (the Kingdom of God is within), he taught us that the illusion of distance between God and us is just that, an illusion (the kingdom of God is near). Imagine if many people in the world truly began to experience this? It would transform our world!
10 August 2007 22:22
Dragonfly said...
In my opinion Jesus Christ gave simple, pure teachings full of love, without judgement of any. Never would he have inflicted pain with harsh judgements because someone was of a different religion, colour, or belief system. His teachings spoke of compassion and understanding, he spoke from the heart, he experienced and emitted love, for this is all he was. His was total connection to His Father, and he loved everyone with the same intensity, for he knew and understood that all are one, of the same essence. Love issued from him in every moment of every day, a perfect love. Imagine the most divine, pure energy that could be experienced, so pure no words could explain it, or come close, and this is Jesus Christ, son and heir to principalities of heaven, but a man nonetheless. It is my heart felt belief that Jesus Christ's teachings were also those of his beloved counterpart and divine flame, Mary Magdalene and it was also her pathway to deliver light to the world, a pathway which was cut short. It was his connection to his Father and ours which empowered him, and gave him the strength to face a destiny which gave him his significance. It is his example of love we need to look at, to see everyone we meet with new eyes, through the most powerful of all energies, love, and use his example of love to face the trials of life, just as he did. I also believe with every fibre of my being that we are all capable of such love, we just need to let go of preconceived ideas and judgments of people, and take our rightful place in continuing his legacy. . a legacy, the original essence of love given by God to every Avatar who also came to earth to deliver humanity from their own lower aspects. For there have been many wise messengers to aid humanity. I believe also that Jesus Christ would bless and stand equally with those spiritual avatars such as Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna and many others for their efforts to also reach humanity. There are many pathways to God, many mansions, and we are all one. I know in my soul he would frown and be deeply saddened that the original concepts of love, so pure and simple, have been contorted and imbued with such fear and intolerance in their human translations. Perhaps he would be filled with such joy and happiness to see humanity finally see that divisions and hatred are no longer needed and we are truly our brothers and sisters keeper. It continues to be my hope also._________________Bright Blessings
10 August 2007 22:23
MBonEDGE said...
Have you ever wondered how such a gentle man has survived through history? His words, softly spoken. His teaching so simple, down to earth and the parables were in language everone could understand. He wasnt just here for the leaders, those with money and/or influence, he was here for us, no matter who you are, he spoke to you. He spoke of Love, of truth, of learning and obeying God's Laws and of the Kingdom of Heaven within. No judgement, no discrimination. He could see your heart and Loved you anyway. If you took the time to listen to his words, he knew you questioned yourself about life and the truth. Imagine if he was here now, talking. Would you listen to his words?
10 August 2007 22:23
Dragonfly said...
Jesus Christ was never weak, he had the courage to speak out against wrongs. He loved unconditionally, but he stood up against the establishment and created waves, the ripples of which are still resonating and being felt today. He wasn't afraid to shake the foundations of institutions or people who foundered their power base upon unjust or corrupt principles. He challenged not only the religious establishments of his time, but also political rulers as well. Integrity and truth was his foundation and his strength. His teachings were inclusive of all people, he loved the so called sinner as well as the saint, and he spoke his truths knowing the energies and opposition which would come. Unlike the religious intolerance and exclusiveness which permeate present day religions, he set an example that God's love is for everyone without exception. He was committed to the spiritual purity and love of the soul, because he saw the beauty of everyones light, and that they were God's love here in physical form only trying to find their way home, often through some very painful and seemingly wasteful lessons. Jesus Christ held women in a place of honour, and saw equality of the sexes as all important and still does! He loved Mary Magdalene totally. I have worked with Lord Melchizedek for a long time, and as Jesus Christ is an aspect of Lord Melchizedek, and I have worked with him also, I feel I can add these words. I do not think he is at all happy with the aftermath of his great gift to humanity, and the way Christianity has taken on its own direction, and created a power base not wholesome nor pure. Oh yes there have been wonderful efforts in the name of Christianity, and from individuals, but also some very destructive pathways which do not do justice to his life as Jesus Christ. At times I feel his feelings, and there is great sadness for the lack of unconditional love and the corruption of the simple truths he came to teach. He is not happy about the divisions which have developed between religions, sects, or belief systems, and all of the Spiritual Hierarchy are very concerned for the way hatred and exclusiveness have separated humanity. I know for a fact that he is particularly concerned that political leaders are so concerned for their own survival at the polls, that fear is used as a tool to create instability in society. He is concerned also with the great divide being created with economic rationalism, of the haves and the have nots, and particularly the plight of the homeless, street kids, and the millions of people who will be needing loving assistance in the coming times, those refugees, countries of wealth are sending off shore or excluding. Love was never powerless. It takes great courage to do the right thing and stand up for higher principles and other peoples right to free speech and to be treated with dignity. . to demand respect for women, children, all people. Love isn't always placid. Jesus Christ stood up and challenged anyone who did not uphold truth and love, and we can do the same. What value life if we have no values? All we are asked to do now is to be more Christ like in every aspect of our lives. To be more like Buddha, Mohammed, or any of the other great avatars who have tried to shift us, humanity into the light. His teachings were simple, "love one another as I love you," and he meant that!_________________Bright Blessings
10 August 2007 22:23
Dragonfly said...
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:19 am Post subject: What were Christ's original teachings? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some people may find what I am about to include in this forum hard to believe, but if I do not share my truth with you I am not being all I am. So here goes! In my daily communications with Lord Machiventa Melchizedek, (my Master Guide) I asked a question and this was part of his reply. "You can read and read and not understand the man from the historical records. Beloved, Jesus Christ came at a time of strict adherence to set laws. Was he the son of God? YES! Even as I AM. Because he came into body was he less of God? NO! God breathes life and love into all people, but to some they have a direct soul linage to God, and are soul impregnated with pure God life and light. Jesus Christ lived an exemplary life, he challenged doctrines and gave incremental shifting of energies. He challenged established views, and when he saw that the doctrine of Jewish religion was so entrenched, he broke ranks and tried to create a new direction. Was it out of ego? No! he strove to serve the light and his Father. He spoke in parables, because of the limitation of the mass consciousness then was such that all could be understood (in simple words). But he spoke of inclusiveness.

He gathered energies together and formulated a new direction. He lived within the confines of the religious norms of the time, but he stretched the boundaries further. He had the audacity to step forward and say I will be that leader who teaches love of the gentiles, as love of ourselves. Inclusion, inclusion, inclusion! He did not waver in his determination to love everyone he met, and although the doctrines and rules were intense, he flaunted these knowing he would be severely chastised in a harsh way. He loved Mary, and shared with her all his feelings, and she carried equal light. This is the difference, which isn't understood, that there was equally a message to be delivered through Mary. Not through the male disciples alone. In fact Beloved, he gave Mary his Blessings and he rebuked Peter for not offering the respect she deserved. You can read a great deal in books now of what themes abound, factual interpretations and resolutions unfolding of a breakdown of the ancient customs, and this is quite correct to reflect upon history and challenge misfacts or those which do not stand up to scrutinising, but none of these books convey the teachings of the man Jesus Christ and his Mary.

Church doctrine is such that it has safeguarded its own structure with myths, and so a cleansing is necessary of misinformation and corruption's through misinformation and deliberate attempts to hold power over a life of Jesus. But my dove, don't throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak. Christ's role is ever and always to lift the human consciousness, and this will all stand the sands of time, for the essence of love will be the pure essence which comes out at the end. Beloved one, the life and works of Jesus Christ are such that a mountain of work has been written, and truth lies in the heart connection, not in the closed door policy of religious dogma. Jesus Christ's message is of great importance, just as Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius or any great soul who has contributed to the human condition. They have all worked to lift the mass consciousness of humanity. Its only the aftermath, the power play of individuals which have contributed to the misunderstandings of the original truths. Perhaps the knowledge that love is the key is all you need. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I LOVE YOU. Aren't those words the key to this? Love one another as I love you. All the rest are just words.

The truth lies in the hearts of those who hear. Love one another as I love you! Listen to historical renditions of records and draw out of them love. Do not hold to the key words as gospel so to speak. Read the energy behind the words and find truth. Jesus Christ did deliver words to the masses. He did sacrifice much, but gained more in the process. He found the love of the Father as only he could then, and spoke words held equally by Mary, but Jesus Christ recognised that it would take a great shift to humanity before the words delivered by a woman would be held with honour, and so he and Mary set out to lift that aspect. He chose to share his words openly with his disciples and thereby overthrow a patriarchal system, but the aftermath my dove has simply dismantled his pure intentions and that of his beloved Mary. and what the world has now is a miasma, a plethora of writings built over the top of each other, with a perpetuated view of religious law held sacred only if delivered by the male. OH no my dove, this is not the true essence of Jesus Christ's life and teachings. You can sum it up in these words. "Love one another as I love you", all the rest are just words. Love one another as I love you, simple yet so profoundly true. List this if you like beloved one in the forum and under the heading, What were Christ's teachings? and know this to be true. Love one another as I love you. _________________Bright Blessings
10 August 2007 22:24
Michael said...
If the concept of the duality of creation/reality is correct then certain things follow. If there is Light, there is also Darkness. If there is good there is also evil. These "forces" are opposite / antagonistic in nature. Therefore, if at various times through recorded history some prophet/avatar/messiah has come to Earth to deliver some form of enlightenment or advancement to humanity then the opposing side will mount a response to cancel or undo the efforts of their opponents. The nature of the opposing response to the efforts of the prophet/messiah etc are called "Religions". Hence if Jesus comes to Earth preaching love, tolerance, inclusiveness, love thy neighbour, the good Samaritan principle etc, then the reaction against this is to create a religion ("Christianity"), supposedly based upon the ideas put forward by Jesus, but over time turning the message around 180 degrees. This process is done over time because if someone says that black is white or up is down then everyone will take them for a fool and disregard them. So the strategy is to incrementally change the original idea and "interpret" the teaching and print newer versions of the "Great Truth" so that the perversion of the original message is harder to detect. Hence we have ended up with various sects of the "Christian" Church that promote intolerance, non inclusiveness, hate or fear of anyone who is different (women, homosexuals) or who does not "belong" to the sect (ie heathens, unbelievers, sinners, infidels, etc). Thus healers (mainly women) trying to heal the sick and afflicted (as Jesus did) are denounced as witches by the church and are burnt at the stake (compare this with "thall shall not kill", "do unto others as you would have done unto yourself" etc that are supposedly part of Church basic law (10 commandments) and you will see the blatant falseness of church practices over the last 1800 years. Similarly Jesus criticised corruption and hippocracy of the pharises, priests and scribes at the time, who were not practicing behaviours which their "religion" indicated that they should. Under the religion called "Christianity" criticism of corruption and hippocracy by church officials is called heresy and is a capital offence (burnt at the stake, etc). Therefore if Jesus had put in a second appearance in Europe anywhere from the 4th to the 18th Century and had turned water into wine, or had raised the dead, or healed the sick he would most likely have been tried and executed for witchcraft. Similarly, if he had criticised Church authorities for corruption or hippocracy he would have been tried by the "Holy Inquisition" for heresy and burnt at the stake. Jesus Christ would not have stood a chance in "Christian" Europe. These same corrupting strategies have been applied to the religions formed around the teachings of the various prophets, such that if they revisited Earth they would disown the religions named after them. This is how we have ended up with Sharia Law and all the other similar "control freak" behaviours and social controls inflicted on individuals living within societies controlled by these "Religions". They function on fear , intimidation and threats of punishment for breaking the "rules". Michael

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