Thursday, August 9, 2007

Why is Mary Magdalene feared?

dragonflySite AdminJoined: 01 Nov 2006Posts: 32
Posted: 26 Nov 2006 02:04 am Post subject: Gaia needs our support, & her defense is up to us.

How can we not only awaken other people to her plight, ( Gaia) but draw attention to politicians who may have personal agendas, and not make decisions based upon the good of the planet and humanity as a whole, but be anchored in old energies and ideas?_________________Bright Blessings

MB on EdgeJoined: 29 Oct 2006Posts: 17
Posted: 26 Nov 2006 07:55 am Post subject: Our World...

Our world is not a limitless resource. Sooner or later we have to realise the more we take, the more harm we do to her and ultimately to ourselves, for she will not be able to sustain herself or us. It?s time to take personal responsibility for your roll in keeping this planet a safe and healthy place to live. Yes, one person can make a difference. Time to act: everyday tips to help protect the environment As for the latest suggestion of a nuclear power plant? to me, that is another tragedy,and if it goes ahead, one we can all hope doesn?t end in another Chernobyl. Politicians ( ) are ?PUBLIC SERVANTS? but please, can anyone tell me when they actually serve the people who they are supposed to be protecting and not themselves?? Maybe it?s past time for us to take action and let them know what we want. I don?t mean violent protests like were recently seen with the G20 discussions. That has the opposite effect. _________________Peace be with you

MichaelJoined: 30 Nov 2006Posts: 14Location: Grafton
Posted: 01 Jun 2007 07:23 am Post subject: Aiding Mother Earth and Giving yourself a future [unapproved post]

There are a number of things that individuals can do to help their planet, and doing them has the added benefit of saving you money and giving you some protection from future economic uncertainties. Most of us buy all of our food at a supermarket. Most of this food is grown or produced hundreds or even thousands of miles from where it is finally consumed by us. I don't need to remind you of the fact that dwindling oil supplies and increased demand for it are rapidly driving up fuel costs. This can only lead to continually rising food prices (and even food shortages, due to the lack of fuel to transport it in the future). Therefore you can help reduce oil consumption (and CO2 emissions) and cut your food bill by growing some of your food yourself in the backyard. It is easy to plant fruit trees in your backyard. Pick the type of fruits that you like to eat and which will grow satisfactorily in your area (eg it's not much use planting mango trees in Melbourne unless you have a very large greenhouse). Fruit trees take a few years to grow to a size where they will start bearing a good crop, so get started A.S.A.P. If you lack space in your yard you can grow them espalliered along the fence or against a wall, or in large pots on a verandah or paved area. Similarly, you can start up a vegetable patch to grow your favourite veges. Everyone did this in the past. It appears that we just got too lazy to bother any more, but times are changing! You can also incorporate your green waste into your garden as compost (compost bins, worm farms). Home grown veges taste better than supermarket veges and you have the benefit of knowing whether they are organically grown or not. Vegetables and herbs can also be grown in styrofoam boxes filled with potting mix (and you can get these for free from most green grocers). If you are renting you can still grow some of your food in pots and containers, which you can take with you if you have to move. I am not saying that you can grow every type of food item in your backyard, but you can grow some of them. If you have a good crop of your own home grown fruit and veges you can trade some of your surplus with a neighbour who may have chickens (which lay eggs), thereby saving you from the hassle of having to have your own chook pen as well. Fruit and veges don't mind being left on their own for a week or two when you go on holidays, while animals need feeding daily. If you install a rainwater tank you are somewhat protected from water supply problems such as contamination of the supply, or shortages and restrictions due to the drought (climate change). This also reduces you water bill. If you throw in a solar hot water system if the finances allow, then you are becoming more self sufficient. Finally, if you are really financial then you can put solar panels on your roof and supply most of your daytime electricity (and sell the surplus back to the energy supplier). Government subsidies exist for installing rainwater tank and solar panels so now is a good time to take advantage of them. Michael
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wingsadminSite AdminJoined: 08 Oct 2006Posts: 6
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 02:40 am Post subject: Gaia needs our support, & her defense is up to us.

Hi Michael, Many thanks for your contribution. The thought of Japan and other countries killing whales using the excuse of scientific study almost brings me to tears. Such gentle creatures are part of a rich eco system, one which needs our support. I wonder did it ever occur to people that to take greedily, over exploiting the sea and earth to indulge in gluttonous wants, not needs, means incuring a karmic debt which at some time in history must be paid? I saw a program recently showing the two driest towns on earth, one in Africa and one in America, both in the desert areas. But what a difference in attitudes, in Africa the people honoured and valued water as sacred, and walked for miles to achieve their daily needs, whilst in America there was little respect for water consumption, and the attitude was gluttonous, diverting it from other states, only to waste it, with apparently no concern for their impact upon the earth. There appears to be a trend to selfishness with some countries, and I know generalizations should not be made about anyone, but the evidence is that greed and need to appease wants at any cost may just impact upon the whole. I am aware that many Japanese and American people would be, and possibly are horrified to think that they see such practices in their own Country, and feel powerless to change general attitudes, and this is true about many aspects of all countries. But a Nation is made up of individuals, who as a collective whole are responsible for what takes place at any time. The power of the individual should not be underestimated, change comes when individuals voice opinions. It is in united voices of disapproval that change can come, and these injustices to the environment can end. It seems to me that there is little accountability for our actions as humanity. Some countries appear to have an attitude that whatever they want or desire overrides the common good and the welfare of the planet we all need to survive. Looking at gluttony and selfishness starts with individuals and flows out from there. There is a powerful movement now for change, to create a better world, but we must all work together to remind our leaders and societies in general where change is needed.. BE THE VOICE OF POSITIVE CHANGE! MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

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